Fighting or feeding disease, which are you doing?

With every bite of food you take, you are either fighting of feeding disease.  Unfortunately, Doctors are not trained to fight disease.  They are not educated properly when it comes to nutrition and lifestyle and the directs impacts it has on a persons health.  The next time you see your Doctor, ask him how many hours or the percentage of the 8+ years he spent in medical school learning about nutrition and how foods can help maintain a healthy body.  Ask him how many hours or what percentage of time he spent learning about the tremendous impacts of daily exercise and lifestyle have on a persons health.  Then ask him how many hours he spent learning about pharmaceuticals and using them to manage a patient’s health.  Doctors are convinced that they learn about medicine in school.  But, that depends on how an individual defines medicine…  They certainly learn to treat conditions, unfortunately that does not prevent or cure anything.

Doctors learn how to manage a sick person.

Medical school does not teach physicians how to cure a person’s ailments by learning and removing what caused it in the first place.  All diseases are merely symptoms.

If you go to a Dr. complaining of acid reflux, they instantly prescribe you a pharmaceutical.  They never ask you to change your diet, do they?  Do they spend time going through what you eat and helping you learn what to or not to eat so you do not experience acid reflux or as it is more commonly known, heartburn?  If a person is diagnosed as being pre-diabetic, the Doctor 99% of the time immediately prescribes a drug instead of discussing nutritional changes to manage and reverse the issue.

There are some recent claims stating the phrase to the left was never said by Hippocrates.  Anyone who has spent time learning about Hippocrates knows this is what he lived by.  I find it hard to believe he did not say this at some point.

Regarding this blog, we will not refer to pharmaceuticals as medication.  At Nature’sRepair, we firmly believe food is medicine, not drugs.  Food, lifestyle, exercise and meditation are also preventive care.  The most important care for oneself and family.

“As to diseases, make a habit of two things – to help, or at least, to do no harm.”

– Hippocrates

This statement is the basis for the Hippocratic Oath.  But do Doctors really abide by this today?  It sure does not appear that way when you are a truly healthy person looking at Western medicine practices.  Taking drugs to manipulate numbers on paper does not make a person healthy.  It simply masks the underlying issues which creates more and more health problems.  Before you know it, a person could easily be ingesting 6 or more pharmaceutical drugs.

That is not health care, that is sickness management.  There is no care in intentionally keeping a person sick for profit.

“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.”


Do you know what the Sunshine Act is?

The Sunshine Act has been set up by Congress to help with the transparency regarding the amount of money drug manufacturers and medical device manufacturers give to teaching hospitals and physicians.  This means your Doctor makes money directly from big pharma by prescribing medications to people.  That also includes psychiatrists, which starts to make more sense as to why so many people are on psychiatric drugs.  The average Dr. makes tens of thousands of dollars a year just by prescribing you drugs to “manage” your health.  Seems like a lot of motivation to keep you on pharmaceuticals instead of educating you about proper nutrition and lifestyle changes that will keep you off those drugs.  In fact, on average $10,000,000,000 is paid out per year by big pharma.  Yes, you read that correctly, $10 BILLION per year on average.  Look up your Doctor or teaching hospital here.

“Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

It is up to you to learn how to stay healthy.  If you are sick or have some type of illness, it is up to you to learn how to make yourself healthy.  This requires research because every individual body and every lifestyle is different and requires different things.  Here is a very quick list of where you can begin your healing journey:


Not all organic is created equal.  USDA certified organic is a worthless certification.  This only means that certain pesticides, herbicides and insecticides were not used to grow your food.  Do your research about the company and farm.  It proves to be quite difficult these days to find a farm that does not use any sprays, but it is possible.  Good soil and regenerative farming practices yields good healthy food which does not require factory made fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or insecticides.  Talk to your farmers direct and ask questions about their soil and the name of the chemicals they use (if any), then research them.

Growing you own food will help you control what you ultimately ingest.  NO Miracle Grow products, ever.  Even if it says organic, no.  Compost directly in the ground and build your own soil.  Make sure it is in an area that is never sprayed by an exterminator or any chemicals you may use on your lawn.  Using a plastic container to compost is unhealthy and unnecessary.  The ground composts far faster and pests are not an issue either.  Pests stay away from healthy soil and attract all the good bugs, such as earthworms.


Extremely important!  Mother Nature knows best.  Monsanto has the largest market when it comes to genetically modified food.  This kind of food creates numerous health issues.  There are paid for scientific studies that are peer reviewed out there that say GMO food from a lab is no different what nature produced, man just sped up the timeline.  In extremely few cases this may be true, such as hybrid breeding.  However, in order to get a patent on a GMO food, which is where the money is, you must be able to prove that it could not occur naturally.  This is the majority of the “fresh” produce available in your local grocery store.  This is not food.  Just recently added to the list of genetically modified food is salmon, pig and red potatoes.  Yes, you read that correctly, pig and salmon.  Beware of farmed salmon, always ask when ordering sushi at most places, even the fancy expensive ones, they use farmed salmon.  I know, because I ask 100% of the time nationwide.


This is hard for people, but once you remove everything processed, you will notice a difference once you are detoxed from it.  Read your ingredient labels.  Look up each ingredient that is not a whole food.  You will be surprised at how toxic everything really is.  Most people see an ingredient, don’t know what it is and “skip” over it instead of learning about it.  Too much trust is placed in the FDA.  Have you ever thought “oh if it was harmful, the FDA or government wouldn’t allow it.”  The FDA is not in the habit of protecting the American people, they are in the habit of protecting big business and big pharma.

Most people think the food industry does not pay attention to the drug industry and vise versa.  That is not true.  The FDA represents the FOOD AND DRUG Administration.  They pay attention to each other very much so.  Sell them the illness, then sell them the drugs to manage the illness.  Create the customer, keep the customer.

Make your meals at home.

Eat raw and cooked veggies

Depending on what your body requires, will determine if you should eat more of something raw or cooked.  Tomatoes are much higher in bioavailable lycopene after cooking.  Lycopene helps fight off cancer.  Carrots are excellent, strike that, truly amazing for oral health when raw.  Cooking carrots significantly increases the bioavailable beta-carotene.

The point here is that vegetables have all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutrients we need for a healthy gut and in turn, healthy body.

Gorge on fresh, raw fruits

All of them!  Some people believe that waiting until they are over ripe, like a juicy peach, is better or more hydrating.  This is not true.  It contains the same amount of hydrating water, the cellular walls were just stronger.  The may taste sweeter, but does not contain more hydrating, nutritious water.

Have you heard the term, eat your water?

This is true.  Eating your water from fruits and vegetables is much more hydrating and healthy.  That’s another blog in itself.

Stay away from all fad drinks

Gatorade is absolutely HORRIBLE for your body.  Research the coloring agents and what they are derived from.  It is not healthy in the slightest and the added unhealthy sugars are equally terrible for your body.

Has your Dr. recommended you drink Gatorade?  Ask your Doctor if they can tell you about each of the ingredients and where they come from.  100% of the time, he will dance around and reassure you it is fine without ever answering your question.

Kombucha (non-alcoholic) is excellent for your digestive system.  Better than yogurt.


I know the vegans and vegetarians are not going to like this…but we are omnivores.  Our bodies need protein from animals.  The right red meat is extremely healthy and has excellent effects on the body.  Red meat with “marbling” is the wrong meat.  That is the bad, unhealthy red meat you need to avoid.  Those meats were raised on grain.  It is not natural.  For a quick lesson on regenerative and proper raising of good healthy meat, go to Son-Rise Ranch and read more there.  Healthy red meat cooks different and tastes different.  You don’t need to marinate or season good healthy meat.


As always, research the farm.  Organic, non-GMO feed.  The best chickens are not fed.  The best chickens are allowed to freely roam around on an organic, regenerative-style farm naturally foraging.  These fad labels such as cage-free, pasture raised, etc… are not regulated and really have no meaning.  The healthiest eggs are not found in the grocery store.  Talk to your local farm, go see the chickens in person for yourself.

Same goes for pork.  The right bacon in moderation is not necessarily unhealthy and tastes better!  Look for pigs raised the same way as red meat.  Bacon should never have additives such as nitrites, nitrates, and natural flavoring added.


Fish should always be wild caught.  Fish raised on farms are fed genetically modified food.  They are also not has healthy and in turn do not possess the same healthy qualities as wild fish.  The sickest animals are the ones in captivity.  Wild animals do not need antibiotics or other man-made “nutritional” feed the way farmed fish require.

Lifestyle Matters.

No “air fresheners”

Quotes are use because it is anything but an air freshener.  Febreeze, Lysol, Glade, Yankee candles, almost all candles really, all contain significant amounts of neurotoxins.  These neurotoxins and other toxins you breathe in absolutely wreaks havoc on your body and mind.  Every toxin that enters your body effects it.  When you bombard yourself with toxins from food, the air you breathe, and what you put on your body, it all creates and/or contributes to numerous negative health issues including obesity.  If you need something to scent your home, consider incense from Triloka or boil water with cinnamon sticks and orange peels.  Get creative.  And not all incense is created equal either.  Most are hazardous to your health because of the burning agents and fragrence used.  Triloka is a healthy brand that uses tradition methods and only naturally produced oils and burning agents.


The healing power of the breath is truly amazing.  Gaia has many types of meditations with a variety of teachers that range from beginner to advanced.  Find a practice that is right for you.  Meditation does not require an hour of your day.  You can meditate laying down as you drift off to sleep, or sitting in the car waiting to pick the kids up.  5 minutes is better than 0 minutes.  No excuses about not being able to find the time.  Just begin by focusing your breath into your belly.  When your mind wanders, acknowledge it and return the focus to your breath.


“That which is used – develops.  That which is not used wastes way.” -Hippocrates

Walking around the block is moving, not exercising.  Hiking is exercising.  Find a workout program or personal trainer or even a sport that works for you.  Beachbody has a ton of different types of programs you can do in your home.  Sign up for lessons at a local rock climbing gym, or surfing, paddle boarding if you are near any type of body of water, or join a running club.  You do not have to be a good or experienced runner.  In fact most advanced runners love imparting their knowledge and will help guide you as you first start.  Remember, slower is better.

This is a quick start, not a detailed guide.  It’s up to you to research and begin your healthy journey.  For a quick detox to reset your body, look into the Gerson therapy.  Simply incorporating the carrot apple juice into your diet several times a day for 3 months will do amazing things for your body and health.  The Gerson website has an incredible amount of information about removing everyday toxins from your home for healthier living.  Bookmark the website and return to read often.

One last thing… get rid of all plastic and the microwave!

“The natural healing force
within each of us
is the greatest force in getting well.”


©2018 Nature'sRepair®.
All Rights Reserved.



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Information within this site is for educational purposes only. Statements on this site have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Products and information on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Nature’sRepair® representatives are not medical doctors and cannot give medical advice.

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